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Third Party Witness


A short Film done by the Seniors at Seton Hall university.

The Wolf of Wall Street Test Scene

The water glass scene from The Wolf Of Wall Street

A fish called Wanda Test Scene

The dock scene from A Fish Called Wanda

EMSA Heave Ho! Commercial


A Commercial for the Heave Ho horse supplement for Equine Medical and Surgical Associates.

EMSA Horse Commercial


A Commercial for the Heiro horse supplement for Equine Medical and Surgical Associates.

EMSA Dog Commercial


A Commercial for the Heiro dog supplement for Equine Medical and Surgical Associates.

Bootsie Final


A Film done by Josh Feigenbaum and Dan Rosen Productions. A sexy gritty Noir Style film in a modern day world.

Nurse Injury Commercial For Messa Associates


An Online Commercial for a local Cherry Hill law firm.

Little Things CVS Commercial.


A CVS Brand Commercial for a secret santa themed Christmas commercial. 

Veggie Sandwich


A short film by Aziz Productions. An awesome one take long shot film.

Construction Accident Commercial for Messa Associates


An online commercial for a local Cherry Hill law firm.

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